The Mirzakhani Society is the society for women and non-binary students studying Maths at the University of Oxford.
The Society is named after Maryam Mirzakhani, the first female mathematician to win a Fields Medal.
Although female mathematicians are in the minority, we have a great support network and lots of ways to get to know each other!
Our signature event is the weekly 'Sip & Solve' social - it's a great way to meet girls from other colleges and work on problem sheets together! We meet in the Maths department for cake and snacks after lectures, see the Facebook or Instagram for updated times.
We also organise other events throughout the year such as inviting interesting speakers in and doing an annual exchange with female mathematicians at Cambridge.
The Mirzakhani Society was set up in 2014 by Merton undergraduates Jessica Spencer and Alice Miller.
"The more I spent time on maths, the more excited I got"
- Maryam Mirzakhani

Maryam Mirzakhani
Maryam Mirzakhani (1977-2017) was an Iranian mathematician whose research topics included Teichmüller theory, hyperbolic geometry, ergodic theory, and symplectic geometry.
In August 2014 she was awarded the Fields Medal, the most prestigious award in mathematics, for her "outstanding contributions to the dynamics and geometry of Riemann surfaces and their moduli spaces"
Maryam met the society in September 2015 on her visit to Oxford to collect her Clay Mathematics Institute Research Award.